Ken Steven, author of the book Dream Job Discovery

"I'm on a mission to help one million people get unstuck from a job that provides no joy or meaning and discover work that will fuel their passions and inspire their purpose."

"I'm on a mission to help one million people get unstuck from a job that provides no joy or meaning and discover work that will fuel their passions and inspire their purpose."

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Free Yourself From "Golden Handcuffs"

Discover How to Transition from Unhappiness and Unfulfillment to a Passionate and Purpose-Driven Dream Life…Without Financial Risk

You’ve achieved in your career what many can only dream of… yet, deep down, you’re haunted by the gnawing reality that success doesn’t automatically provide fulfillment.

You’re unhappy because you feel like something is still missing in your life. You feel like you were meant for more… that your life should have more meaning and purpose.

If your job role feels more like golden handcuffs than a golden opportunity, I get you…completely.  

I'm Ken Steven. I spent most of my career working in jobs I disliked, chasing opportunities in the corporate world for a bigger paycheck to fund a lifestyle I ultimately became too miserable to enjoy.

At age 34, as a Vice President of a global corporation, I couldn’t drag myself out of bed one morning because the thought of facing another workday overwhelmed me with anxiety. I was feeling stuck in a job that I absolutely hated. But I had no clue how to escape what, for me, had become a paycheck purgatory.

The problem was that I didn't know what I'd rather be doing instead. I desperately wanted to find a job I could feel passionate about doing. But I had no clue what my passions were. Maybe you can relate.

Career counseling, self-assessments, and self-help books failed to uncover the answers for me, so I made it my mission to develop a fast and simple solution that anyone could use to accurately predict the kind of work that would be a joy to do.

After countless hours of researching, testing, and tweaking over a 16-year period, I succeeded in developing a revolutionary career assessment called the DreamJob Type Indicator™ or DJTI™ for short.

The DreamJob Type Indicator (DJTI) is the only professional career assessment that's designed to identify how enjoyable a job will be for you to do.

Then I wrote the book Dream Job Discovery to make it simple for anyone to gain clarity on the meaning of their assessment results and how to use them, step-by-step, to identify the job role that would be a dream for them to do.

My book and assessment will quickly give you hope that there is a path to a passion paycheck for you that will give your life more meaning and purpose.

However, there will be a HUGE obstacle for you to overcome: FEAR – fear of making a mistake… fear of jeopardizing the comfortable lifestyle to which you've become accustomed … fear of how others may judge you if you walk away from the investment you've already made in your education and professional development to achieve the success and status you've worked so hard to earn in your career.

Fear is a formidable adversary. It's likely been the silent partner in every decision that's been holding you back from truly embracing the future you deserve.

BUT, what if I told you that, with the right guidance and support, you can learn to see fear not as an obstacle, but as a stepping stone towards a life of purpose and fulfillment?

Imagine waking up each morning, not with dread, but with an invigorating zest for the day. Envision yourself deeply immersed in work that doesn’t feel like work because it's so closely aligned with your core passions and purpose.

This isn't a fairytale. This is completely achievable, and I'm here to guide you on this journey with private coaching.

Private coaching, unlike books or assessments, offers a personal touch that makes all the difference. It's a safe space where you can openly express your fears, hopes, and dreams. Through our sessions, we will not only pinpoint what truly ignites your passion as either an employee or an entrepreneur, but also develop actionable strategies and step-by-step plans to help you transition smoothly and confidently without risk to your finances or reputation.

You've already come so far in your journey. You've overcome challenges and succeeded when the odds were against you to achieve financial rewards.

But to find fulfillment you'll need to step outside your comfort zone and decide to make a change. It's about taking that crucial step to align your career with your true self, and in doing so, creating a legacy that resonates not just with success, but with purpose and joy.

Your next chapter is waiting. Let's co-write a story where fear is not the antagonist but a catalyst. Together, we can unlock the door to a career for you that not only pays the bills but also enriches your soul.

The choice is yours. If you're ready to discover work that feels less like a job and more like a calling, let’s talk.

Free Yourself From "Golden Handcuffs"

Discover How to Transition from Unhappiness and Unfulfillment to a Passionate and Purpose-Driven Dream Life…Without Financial Risk

You’ve achieved in your career what many can only dream of. Yet, deep down, you’re haunted by the gnawing reality that success doesn’t automatically provide fulfillment.

You’re unhappy because you feel like something is still missing in your life. You feel like you were meant for more… that your life should have more meaning and purpose.

If your job role feels more like golden handcuffs than a golden opportunity, I get you…completely.  

I'm Ken Steven. I spent most of my career working in jobs I disliked, chasing opportunities in the corporate world for a bigger paycheck to fund a lifestyle I ultimately became too miserable to enjoy.

At age 34, as a Vice President of a global corporation, I couldn’t drag myself out of bed one morning because the thought of facing another workday overwhelmed me with anxiety. I was feeling stuck in a job that I absolutely hated. But I had no clue how to escape what, for me, had become a paycheck purgatory.

The problem was that I didn't know what I'd rather be doing instead. I desperately wanted to find a job I could feel passionate about doing. But I had no clue what my passions were. Maybe you can relate.

Career counseling, self-assessments, and self-help books failed to uncover the answers for me, so I made it my mission to develop a fast and simple solution that anyone could use to accurately predict the kind of work that would be a joy to do.

After countless hours of researching, testing, and tweaking over a 16-year period, I succeeded in developing a revolutionary career assessment called the DreamJob Type Indicator™ or DJTI™ for short.

The DreamJob Type Indicator (DJTI) is the only professional career assessment that's designed to identify how enjoyable a job will be for you to do.

Then I wrote the book Dream Job Discovery to make it simple for anyone to gain clarity on the meaning of their assessment results and how to use them, step-by-step, to identify the job role that would be a dream for them to do.

My book and assessment will quickly give you hope that there is a path to a passion paycheck for you that will give your life more meaning and purpose.

However, there will be a HUGE obstacle for you to overcome: FEAR – fear of making a mistake… fear of jeopardizing the comfortable lifestyle to which you've become accustomed … fear of how others may judge you if you walk away from the financial investment you've already made in your education and professional development to achieve the success and status you've worked so hard to earn in your career.

FEAR is a formidable adversary. It's likely been the silent partner in every decision that's been holding you back from truly embracing the future you deserve.

BUT, what if I told you that, with the right guidance and support, you can learn to see fear not as an obstacle, but as a stepping stone towards a life of purpose and fulfillment?

Imagine waking up each morning, not with dread, but with an invigorating zest for the day. Envision yourself deeply immersed in work that doesn’t feel like work because it's so closely aligned with your core passions and purpose.

This isn't a fairytale. This is completely achievable, and I'm here to guide you on this journey with private coaching.

Private coaching, unlike books or assessments, offers a personal touch that makes all the difference. It's a safe space where you can openly express your fears, hopes, and dreams. Through our sessions, we will not only pinpoint what truly ignites your passion but also develop actionable strategies and step-by-step plans to help you transition smoothly and confidently without risk to your finances or reputation.

You've already come so far in your journey. You've overcome challenges and succeeded when the odds were against you to achieve financial rewards. But to find fulfillment you'll need to step outside your comfort zone and decide to make a change. It's about taking that crucial step to align your career with your true self, and in doing so, creating a legacy that resonates not just with success, but with purpose and joy.

Your next chapter is waiting. Let's co-write a story where fear is not the antagonist but a catalyst. Together, we can unlock the door to a career for you that not only pays the bills but also enriches your soul.

The choice is yours. If you're ready to discover work that feels less like a job and more like a calling, let’s talk.

Your Stepping Stones Towards a Life of Passion and Purpose…

DJTI Career Assessment created by Ken Steven

The DJTI Assessment

Take the Dream Job Type Indicator (DJTI)™ Assessment to discover the values that define your authentic self, your top-three DreamJob Types, and their related DreamJob Titles.

Dream Job Discovery book by Ken Steven

The Companion Book

Demystify your quest for happiness at work with my book Dream Job Discovery. It will help you understand what your assessment results tell you about yourself and guide you step-by-step.

Ken Steven, job passion coach, author, speaker

Private Coaching

Gain clarity on the reasons for your current unhappiness at work. Explore your options for escaping "golden handcuffs". Discover your path to a "passion paycheck" and a purpose-driven life.

Ken describes for Mitch what it feels like to be passionate and purpose driven.

Mitch reveals how the DJTI Assessment "nailed it" with his top DreamJob Type.

Let's talk… Because life is too short to remain stuck in a job that provides no joy or meaning.

"I envision a world where everyone eagerly embraces their work,

feeling passionate and purpose-driven by what they do."

Copyright © 2024 Ken Steven

All Rights Reserved

1. Rate How True For You

The assessment is designed to identify the values that are subconsciously guiding the decisons and actions you take in your life. There are no right or wrong answers – just truth. Your answers will reveal who you truly are – your authentic self . You'll read a series of short value statements. For each statement, simply rate how true they are for you in your life right now on a 5-point scale.

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